Multiple papers were presented at each session and final discussions from each of these sessions were guided on identifying at least three priority actions for promoting science based decision making, investment in S&T and linking science to people from short, medium to long term.
The fifth session presented on day two of the event focused on the importance of partnership working across academia, networks and different stakeholders. Keiko Sakoda Kaneda and Vladimir Tsirkunov from the World Bank highlighted the importance of academic collaborations for exchange and application of knowledge, as well as knowledge development between different regions and ultimately the implementation of solutions for mainstream DRR in developing countries of the region.
Presentation by Hassan Virji, International START Secretariat and Keiko Sakoda Kaneda, World Bank
Kyoto Declaration 2016 on the Role of Science & Technology in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
During the final plenary session, Dr Takako Izumi presented the ‘Kyoto Declaration’. The declaration consolidated the discussions and recommendations of the 8 symposium sessions under the three priority areas of ‘Promoting Science based Decision Making’, ‘Investment in Science and Technology’ and ‘Linking Science to People’ along with their specific recommendations for implementation.