UNU-IAS and Partners Launch Asia-Pacific Mayors Academy

APRU on AP, AFP, Yahoo! Finance, Morningstar, BusinessWire, NBC & FOX channels, NHA & 200+ pieces of coverage: APRU launches The Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Cities and Landscapes in the Pacific Rim

APRU Inaugural Sustainable Cities and Landscapes Design Field School

APRU Sustainable Cities & Landscapes Experts Develop Curricula for Asia Pacific Mayors’ Academy

UO Students Co-host APRU Global Climate Change Simulation

APRU SCL Program Hub Declaration of Climate Emergency and Call to Action

Global Climate Change Simulation Offers USC Students New Perspectives on Worldwide Fight

Sustainable Urban Development Mayors Fellowship

APRU on Bloomberg: APRU Launches The Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Cities and Landscapes in the Pacific Rim

APRU on SJTU News: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Successfully Held the “Resilient Urban Landscape – APRU SCL Webinar & Landscape Architects’Forum”