APRU Global ESG Lecture Series 2023

APRU APRU Global ESG Lecture Series is designed to provide a sound foundation in basic principles and unify research across ecology to conservation and environmental health to waste management with a focus on sustainability and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG).

This lecture series is part of the key activities of the APRU Sustainable Waste Management Program that will be held from March to December 2023. The aim is to provide insights into cutting-edge research to the network. Experts from diverse fields and studies will contribute to individual lectures that generate a broad overview of the subject area.

The series is open to academics and students. Participants will be able to learn from and interact with world-renowned experts through a series of lectures delivered via a real-time video conference on Zoom.

Monthly Sessions

March 28th at 10:30 – 11:45 am 
Aging of microplastics and subsequent environmental effects by Prof. Cheng Gu, Nanjing University (Download a flyer here)

April 27th at 3:30 – 4:45 pm (Register here)
AI for sustainable development towards carbon neutrality by Prof. Xiaonan Wang, Tsinghua University (Download a flyer here)

May 30th at 10:30 – 11:45 am (Register here)
Hydrothermal conversion of biomass waste for resource recovery by Prof. Shicheng Zhang, Fudan University

June 1st at 10:30 – 11:45 am (Register here)
Unlocking the Potential of Circular Economy through Systems and Design Strategies by Prof. Ali Abbas, The University of Sydney
(Download a flyer here)

Prof. Anushka Rajapaksha, University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Prof. Daniel S. Alessi, University of Alberta

Dr. Juin Yau Lim, Korea University

Prof. Jorg Rinklebe, University of Wuppertal

Prof. Xiangzhou Yuan, Southeast University

Prof. Longbin Huang, The University of Queensland

Prof. Cheng Gu
Nanjing University
Prof. Xiaonan Wang
Tsinghua University
Prof. Shicheng Zhang
Fudan University
Prof. Ali Abbas
University of Sydney
Prof. Daniel S. Alessi
University of Alberta
Prof. Anushka Rajapaksha
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
Dr. Juin Yau Lim
Korea University
Prof. Jörg Rinklebe
Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Dr. Jörg Rinklebe is a Professor for Soil- and Groundwater-Management at the University of Wuppertal, Germany. His academic background covers environmental science, bioavailability of emerging contaminants, and remediation of contaminated soils using value-added products such as biochar. He works at various scales, ecosystems, and spheres including pedosphere, hydrosphere lithosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere and has a certain experience in fundamental soil science. His main research is on soils, sediments, waters, plants, and their pollutions (trace elements and nutrients) and linked biogeochemical issues with a special focus in redox chemistry. He also has a certain expertise in soil microbiology. Professor Rinklebe is internationally recognized particularly for his research in the areas of biogeochemistry of trace elements in wetland soils. According to SCOPUS, Professor Rinklebe published over 280 research papers, 21 were nominated in the in ISI web of Science as “Highly Cited Papers” and 3 were s nominated as “Hot Paper”. These papers have been cited 8736 time in Scopus with h-index = 52. Based on these citations, Prof Rinklebe has been selected as ISI Web of Science Globally Highly Cited Researcher in 2019 and 2020. Also, he published three books entitled “Trace Elements in Waterlogged Soils and Sediments” (2016), “Nickel in Soils and Plants” (2018), and “Soil and Groundwater Remediation Technologies” (2020), as well as numerous book chapters. He is serving as Chief Editor for Special Issues of “Environmental Pollution” and “Journal of Hazardous Materials”; Co-Editor in Chief of the international journal Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology (CREST), and as guest editor of various leading international journals. He organized many special symposia at various international conferences such as “Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements” (ICOBTE) and “International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment” (ICHMET). He was an invited speaker (plenary and keynote) at many international conferences. He is Visiting Professor at the Department of Environment, Energy and Geoinformatics at Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea and Guest Professor at the Department of Environmental Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. Professor Rinklebe is Vice President of the International Society of Trace Element Biogeochemistry (ISTEB).

Prof. Xiangzhou Yuan
Southeast University
Prof. Longbin Huang
University of Queensland