AI For Everyone

Ensuring equitable outcomes requires active engagement with the ICT sector. In December, 2018, APRU initiated a partnership with Google on the exploration of artificial intelligence policy issues. The project will see the production of two policy research projects. The first focuses on the social implications of artificial intelligence and the future of work, the second project seeks to understand how society can maximize artificial intelligence’s potential for an equitable future.

Collaborators from the APRU network began working on the first project, AI for Everyone: Benefitting From and Building Trust in the Technology, holding the first workshop on artificial intelligence accessibility and governance on December 1, 2017, at Keio University, Tokyo; co-chaired by artificial intelligence experts Professors Jiro Kokuryo (Keio)and Toby Walsh (UNSW Sydney). The project will deliver a series of working papers, resulting in policy recommendations to be published and widely disseminated to governments and civil society.


AI for everyone: benefitting from and building trust in the technology

  • Increase access to the benefits of artificial intelligence.
  • Build awareness about the nature of the technology.
  • Disseminate key findings feeding into policy discourse and dialogue.
Jiro Kokuryo (Academic Lead)
Keio University
Toby Walsh (Academic Co-lead)
UNSW Sydney
Catharina Maracke (Academic Project Director)
Keio University
Roman Dremiluga
Far Eastern Ferderal University
Toni Erskine
UNSW Sydney & Australian National University
Danit Gal
Peking University & Keio University
Chong-Fuk Lau
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Brian Y. Lim
National University of Singapore
Raul Monroy
Tecnológico de Monterrey
Sameer Singh
University of California, Irvine
Yifan Shen
Fudan University
Reza Shokri
National University of Singapore
Felipe Tobar
Universidad de Chile
Qiang Yang
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Roland Yap
National University of Singapore

Address: APRU International University Centre, Unit 902, Cyberport 2, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +852 2117 7060
Fax: +852 2117 7080
