New Member Spotlight: Nagoya University
February 28, 2018

We are delighted to share that Nagoya University has recently joined the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU). We welcome President Seiichi Matsuo and his colleagues to the Association and look forward to a valuable and productive partnership.

Nagoya, Japan, February 28, 2018 –APRU Secretary General, Christopher Tremewan visited Nagoya University, one of seven universities to join APRU last year, to jointly explore opportunities for engagement and partnership.

Nagoya University was established in 1871 with a long history of connecting science to the international world. It is proud to be associated with six of the 16 Nobel Laureates who have been honored with the Prize since 2001 in Japan. Nagoya University’s 147-year tradition of cultivating creativity and innovation has been the springboard for many remarkable research achievements. Inspired by its Nobel laureates, Nagoya University is aiming to become “The World’s Best Research University” by committing to the creation and discovery of new knowledge. It provides support for frontier academic research led by the Institute for Advanced Research. It has developed research with practical applications through the Institute of Innovation for Future Society. It is pushing for fundamental research discoveries through the Institute of Transformative bio-Molecules (ITbM),which was established by the World Premier International Research Centre Initiative of the Japanese Government.


Dr. Tremewan visited President Matsuo and discussed opportunities for the university and APRU to work together. One area of mutual concern is the promotion of gender equality, of which, the university has made a strong commitment. In response to the enactment of the Basic Law for a Gender-Equal Society in 1999, Nagoya University became the first Japanese university to establish a university-wide committee for promoting gender equality in 2002. As a top goal of the university, it was selected as one of ten University IMPACT Champions to support the HeForShe initiative by UN Women. As one of the world’s leading universities for gender equality promotion, Nagoya University will continue striving to be a front-runner of gender equality, not only in Japan, but globally.


As part of its international initiatives, the university was selected for the Global 30 Project, established by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Science and Technology of Japan to promote the internationalization of the academic environment of Japan. The university also hosts the Academic Consortium for the 21st Century, an international network comprised of educational, research and industrial organizations throughout the world.


In January 2018, Christina Schönleber, APRU Director of Policy and Programs visited Nagoya University’s Disaster Mitigation Research Center and the recently opened Gender Research Library(GRL), the first university library in Japan that specializes in feminism and gender research to further explore engagement and collaboration opportunities.

APRU would also like to welcome Professor Yoshihito Watanabe, Trustee and Vice President, Professor Masahide Takahashi, Trustee and Vice President, Professor Yushu Matsushita, Trustee and Vice President, Professor Jiro Takai, Vice-Dean of Graduate School of Education and Human Development, School of Education, Mr. Yukitsugu Ono, Director, Education and International Affairs Department.

APRU enjoyed our warm welcome to the campus and look forward to continued engagement.

To see more from APRU’s visit to Nagoya University see the photo album. Stay updated with the latest news of Nagoya University.