California Governor Jerry Brown (Eastern Economic Forum 2017)
September 6, 2017: Governor of California challenges universities to engage with global issues.
“The overall crisis facing the world demands universities do much more,” declared California Governor Jerry Brown in Russia at the Eastern Economic Forum.
With President Putin of Russia, Prime Minister Abe of Japan and President Moon of Korea addressing the same meeting, Governor Brown energized an audience drawn from around the Asia-Pacific region at the Far Eastern Federal University in Vladivostok on September 6.
He focused on what universities can do to address the big problems confronting humanity.
“We are in deep trouble and things are becoming more dangerous. Universities must do their part in science, notably climate change. Californian universities are very engaged on this.” Meeting Governor Brown afterwards, APRU Secretary General Christopher Tremewan, congratulated him on California’s leadership in establishing APRU 20 years ago, enabling research universities to work together on the challenges facing the Pacific Rim.
They noted that APRU and Governor Brown share deep roots in the UC system, with Governor Brown, a UC alumnus, chairing of the UC Board of Regents and with Chancellor Gene Block of UCLA being the APRU chair.
Chris Tremewan pointed toward future opportunities, “The leadership and long-term thinking of Californian political and academic leaders shown by their championing of APRU needs to be carried forward to greater engagement on global issues as the governor has stated.”
Dr Tremewan offered to support Governor Brown’s initiatives to promote more research into the crises of our age.
Later, in an interview with Denis Bolotsky from Sputnik news in Russia, Secretary General Tremewan highlighted the great potential of the region to produce new knowledge and advance innovation. “The diversity of the region can be regarded as an obstacle. But we regard it as a strength,” Tremewan said. This is one of the advantages of a university network. “If we know each local situation in depth, that enriches global science. And then the latest international research can better address local challenges.”
APRU is championing efforts to combat the effects of climate change on the Pacific Ocean as well as forecasting extreme events and reducing disaster risk. Along with global health initiatives, understanding the social impact of artificial intelligence or population aging, APRU is harnessing the collective power of universities to solve the biggest issues of the Asia Pacific.