APRU has reaffirmed its commitment to Sustainable Development Goal 14 (SDG 14, Life under Water) at the UN’s Meeting of the Communities of Ocean Action “From Commitments to Action: Implementing SDG14,” held May 30-31 in Incheon, South Korea.
APRU has made significant strides toward its goal since making its voluntary commitment to SDG 14 in June 2017.
In a presentation at the Communities for Ocean Action meeting, Christina Schönleber, APRU Director (Policy and Programs) shared APRU’s progress toward its voluntary commitment. “APRU supports a healthy Pacific Ocean by bringing together experts to support policy making, create effective platforms to share research findings, develop international partnerships, and inspire the next generation of future ocean leaders,” she said.
APRU has actively shaped the global debate by contributing to major publications. APRU experts, for example, informed the development of the United Nations ESCAP’s Ocean Cities Policy Brief, which provided the knowledge base for building the resilience and capacity of ocean cities of the Pacific region for sustainable development.
Aimed at Advancing SDG 14 for the sustainable future of the Pacific Ocean, APRU launched its Pacific Ocean Cluster Project in April 2018. Research under the project is being done by integrating multi-disciplinary perspectives and knowledge to identify potential co-benefits and tradeoffs between the SDG and the SDG Ocean targets; the institutional organization needed for advancing SDG targets; the best solutions across the Pacific to reduce climate change impacts.
“We have been reaching beyond established clusters to develop a network of research centers and experts for the collaborative partnerships needed to engage with the problems the Pacific Ocean faces,” said Schönleber. “APRU’s greatest strengths are in its collective research and knowledge capabilities in which APRU members represent a significant portion of the world’s research regarding the Pacific Ocean. This knowledge can be used to support policymaking and creative solutions for the Pacific Ocean.” said Schönleber.
APRU has also contributed to the development of international standards for the measurement of the economic, social, and environmental aspects of the ocean and coasts through involvement in the APEC Marine Sustainable Development Centre and the APEC Oceans and Fisheries Working Group.
The Meeting of the Communities of Ocean Action “From Commitments to Action: Implementing SDG14” aimed to share best practices and experiences amongst the members of different Communities of Ocean Action and any interested stakeholders, to provide partnership opportunities, and to catalyze further pledges for ocean action.
It will inform the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in July 2019 and contribute to the preparatory process in the lead-up to the 2020 United Nations Ocean Conference.
Learn more about APRU’s voluntary commitment to SDG 14: Life Below Water. If you wish to partner with us toward this goal, please contact Christina Schönleber, APRU Director (Policy & Programs).
See our presentation here.