APRU partners with PRRLA
August 3, 2016

At the recent Annual Presidents Meeting in June, the Steering Committee agreed that the Pacific Rim Research Libraries Alliance (PRRLA) should be recognised as an affiliate organisation of APRU.

The consensus was to recommend affiliation with PRRLA rather than attempt to create a parallel organisation exclusively of APRU library directors.  It was decided by the university presidents that APRU library directors who are not currently members of PRRLA be invited to join.

Currently, PRRLA consists of 21 APRU library directors, along with 12 other institutions in the region (see membership).

PRRLA is an organisation with a strategic focus on cooperative ventures across academic libraries located around the Pacific Rim with the goal of improving access to scholarly research materials.

The organisation began as the Pacific Rim Digital Library Alliance over twenty years ago.  A key activity is its annual, three-day meeting in a location that rotates between the eastern and western sides of the Pacific.

PRRLA’s next meeting will be held at the University of Melbourne from 5-7 December 2016.  For more information, see www.pr-rla.org/annual-meetings/melbourne-2016/.

The current PRRLA Chair is Ms. Lorelei Tanji, University Librarian, University of California Irvine Libraries and she is happy to answer any queries regarding membership and participation at [email protected].