APRU Experts from 4 continents attended and contributed to APEC Quality Assurance Workshop
November 26, 2016

Expert colleagues from the University of OregonMonterrey Institute of Technology and Higher EducationUniversity of Indonesia and Australian National University attended and contributed to the APEC Quality Assurance Education Workshop. The workshop was held in Bali from 1-3 November 2016 and hosted by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training.

Higher education quality is a priority area for policy makers, accreditation agencies, regulators and higher education institutions of the region. The workshop provided an important forum to develop a shared understanding of the opportunities and challenges of online higher education delivery and to gain a better understanding of the different approaches to its quality assurance across the APEC region.

New forms of technology are increasingly being used by institutions both for domestic and cross border delivery, creating teaching and learning opportunities with significant benefits for diverse groups of students. Other benefits include meeting new labour force requirements, facilitating the formation of global partnerships between education institutions and increasing student mobility.

Bringing together experts from academia, government and agencies from across the Asia-Pacific region provided a platform to feed their experience and expertise into the development of a draft toolkit for quality assurance of online education. The intention is to work with APEC economies and experts to refine and finalise the tool kit before seeking its endorsement by the APEC Education Network.

Click here to view Workshop Program
Click here to view QA Education Discussion Paper