APRU was among key organisations invited to the APEC High Level Policy Dialogue on Science and Technology on Higher Education (HLPDSTHE) held in Manila, the Philippines on 13 to 14 August. The meeting featured presentations on:
Ensuring Relevance, Utilisation & Contribution of Science and Technology in Higher Education to Economic Development in the APEC Region;
Science and Technology Concerns of the Future: Implications for Future Careers; and
Innovations in Higher Education Delivery Modalities and Strategies.
Key recommendations that were put forth by participating APEC economies included:
Cross Border Education & Inter-University Collaboration;
Science and Technology Mobility Card: Talent Mobility for Scientists and Researchers; and
Capacity Building through Twinning Programs (Joint & Double Programs for Ph.D. degrees in Science and Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Marine Sciences and Fisheries).
These areas can be of particular interest to APRU member universities as these could bolster greater mobility and knowledge exchange among universities. A number of APRU members were in attendance at the meeting – Chulalongkorn University, Far Eastern Federal University, National Taiwan University, and the University of the Philippines.
Prior to the HLPDSTHE, APRU also attended the APEC Policy Partnership on Social, Technology and Innovation (PPSTI) Meeting from 10 to 12 August, in which APRU presented its current collaboration with APEC Cooperation for Earthquake Simulation (ACES) through its Multi-Hazards Program.